
Goddess Isis Pendant (Silver)


The goddess Isis was one of the greatest goddesses of ancient Egypt. In Egyptian Mythology she was known as the goddess of the moon and the goddess of life. Isis was believed to be powerful in the ways of magic, using her magical healing powers to protect women and children and to heal the sick. There were many temples dedicated to her, where priests and priestesses were trained in the healing arts and the powerful ways of magic. She was often depicted with outstretched wings symbolising a protective gesture in Egyptian iconography. Depicted in this way the wings symbolically revealed her magical ability, her regenerative, restorative power and her protection of the dead as she guided them safely through the afterlife.
Goddess Isis Pendant (Large)

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Goddess Hathor Ring (Silver)

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Blue Scarab Ring (medium)


Additional Info

SHIVA LINGHAM: Shiva Lingam is a Sanskrit word लिङ्गं. In India the Lingam is a symbol representing the energy and potentiality of the God Shiva. These egg shaped stones are made of Cryptocrystalline Quartz and are found in one of 7 Holy Sites, specifically the Narmada River in Onkar Mandhata.

The Shiva Lingam represents both male and female (androgyny) energies or aspects of self. They are used to charge the entire chakra system, activate the kundalini energies, boost vitality, break old patterns and open the path for a new life. Shiva Lingams help one to feel unity, even during times of separation, grief or disconnection.

Healers use Shiva Lingams to treat impotence, infertility and to strengthen and balance the whole body. Shiva Lingam stone is considered to be a sacred stepping-stone to enlightenment.