This Week's Astrological Reading
All lunar events have an impact on our psyche, but never is this more true than with a Full Moon. The Full Moon this week occurs on the 14th and is the last of the Supermoon trifecta this year, it is amplifying the polarity aspects of our internal nature through its opposition to the Sun. As such it can leave us feeling like our emotions are bubbling right below the surface, ready to overflow. This months moon is in Gemini, which is at exact opposition to the sun in Sagittarius. This can create internal conflict as these two opposing forces are battling within us. It is an emotional time, one in which we feel overcome with the need to express ourselves.
However be sure that you are mindful of what is spilling out, as when we feel this overwhelming urge to break open the floodgates, we sometimes forget to include a filter, which can lead to more damage. The thoughts and feelings that this full, Supermoon are bringing to the surface within us, are driven by emotions and it may seem like we have checked our rational brain at the door.
All is illuminated in the bright reflection of a full moon and with such opposing forces in the sky influencing us this week, you can expect any unresolved, emotions, issues and circumstances to come to a head as you energetically attempt to seek resolution and balance. Remember that we are all affected by these lunar transits and those in your life will be feeling the same push to express themselves and seek resolution to their own unresolved emotions. Try and practice patience and understanding at these times, because most people will not be aware of the current transit influences on their behaviour. It will help in diffusing any conflicts that may arise as they also try to express themselves at this time.
It can be beneficial to take a moment for yourself and be truly self reflective for the next couple of days. Look at what is coming up for you at this time and seek to find resolution to these emotions within yourself and therefore not need to create conflict with others in your attempt to find emotional equilibrium again. We begin to truly master within ourselves when we can acknowledge and process our emotions on our own terms in the moment and not as a result of a conflict or altercation.
Join us on Wednesday night for meditation and set your intent to go within and clear any issues that are coming up for you at this time.
Details for the week:
Wednesday 14th December 2016 6.30pm - 8pm AEDST
Cost: $40.00AUD
All Absentee participants are called into the group individually and receive a recording of the meditation post session
Bookings are essential - Please contact us to confirm your place