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Palo Santo Snake & Turquoise Necklace


Palo Santo Snake Necklace inlaid with Turquoise

Made from fragrant Palo Santo (holy wood) with Turquoise crystal inlay, brown waxed cotton adjustable cord. Snake Spirit Animal Totem- represent fertility or a creative life force. They are symbols of rebirth, transformation, immortality, and healing. Palo Santo is most widely used for spiritual purification and when worn helps to clear the bodies energy fields and restore tranquillity and calm emotions. When burnt the smoke is believed to clear negative energy from one’s environment.

Turquoise- is a master healer, it represents wisdom gained through experience. It protects against accidents, pollutants & cosmic radiation. Turquoise also helps one to feel wholeness, unity, and connection to all that is.

Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras with the subtle bodies allowing for a deep state of purification and healing. Physically, Turquoise enhances the physical and psychic immune systems and regenerates tissue, supports the assimilation of nutrients, alleviates viral infections and heals the whole body. This stone is anti-inflammatory and detoxifying, alleviating cramps and pain. 

Palo Santo Snake Necklace inlaid with Turquoise

Pendant Dimensions: D: 45cm

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Palo Santo Clear Quartz & Turquoise Necklace

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Palo Santo Lotus & Turquoise Necklace

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Clear Quartz with Bone & Turquoise Necklace


Additional Info

Known across cultures as the ultimate healing stone Turquoise has been used by the Tibetans, Native Americans and ancient Persians to cure ailments of both the body and soul. This crystal has the ability to transcend the wearer beyond the physical realm and enhances communication and connection with the physical and spiritual worlds.

Turquoise balances and aligns all the chakras with the subtle bodies allowing for a deep state of purification and healing. Physically, Turquoise enhances the physical and psychic immune systems and regenerates tissue, supports the assimilation of nutrients, alleviates viral infections and heals the whole body. This stone is anti-inflammatory and detoxifying, alleviating cramps and pain. 

The colour of Turquoise can range from light blue to deep green, dependant on the source. Tibetan Turquoise is traditionally more green in colour and is particularly effective when working with the Heart Chakra