Archangel Michael corresponds to the Earth energies and rules over the areas such as security, fertility, abundance, finances, business and property. Michael is also the protector angel. Call upon Michael anytime you need help in the physical world to remove the obstacles that block you. Invoke him when you feel you need extra security.
Direction- North
Planet- Mercury
Colour- Blue
Crystal- Angelite, best known for its ability to amplify communication with your spirit guides and angels. It has a strong affinity with the 3rd eye and crown chakras thereby strengthening and enhancing your intuition and psychic abilities.
Star sign- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Tarot card- Ace of Pentacles
Essential oils- Dragons Blood, Mandarin, Lavender, Frankincense
Dimensions: 50 mm x 150 mm
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - CRYSTAL INFUSED PROTECTION MIST: Created with pure crystal infused water and the colour frequency of the radiant blue ray, (the ray of communication and protection); this mist is blended with the natural essential oils of Dragons Blood, Mandarin, Lavender and Frankincense...

Additional Info
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - CRYSTAL INFUSED PROTECTION MIST: Created with pure crystal infused water and the colour frequency of the radiant blue ray, (the ray of communication and protection); this mist is blended with the natural essential oils of Dragons Blood, Mandarin, Lavender and Frankincense. The Archangel Michael Auric mist is intended to realign and protect the subtle bodies. Simply spray above the head and throughout the aura. You can also spray on your pillow just before sleeping to help you connect to the angelic realms and Archangel Michael if in need of his protection.